Qmatic for Retail

Omnichannel customer journey solutions

Create a personalized customer journey with easy access to services and increased efficiency that drives sales

Transform your retail experience

With Qmatic retail solutions, it’s never been easier to provide an omnichannel customer journey that can be personalized to customers’ needs and preferences. Meet your customer’s expectations and anticipate what they need, helping you to use your resources more effectively and ensure customers remain loyal, engaged, and satisfied.


Increase brand loyalty with personalized services

Create a unique, personalized experience across every channel that increases brand loyalty and revenue.

  • Provide a seamless omnichannel experience from online to offline, giving your customers multiple options to purchase how and where they want
  • Personalize the journey through customer identification
  • Match customer needs with employee skills
  • Reduce customers' waiting time

Boost sales and revenue

Create actual, measurable intelligence about what customers want most and where they want to engage with you.

  • Gain insights from every touchpoint in the customer journey to identify high-value transactions for cross- and upselling
  • Implement virtual queuing for in-branch customers, giving them the chance to browse while waiting and increasing sales opportunities
  • Get demand forecast so you can anticipate peak periods, optimize service capacity, and match service requirements with staffing

Improve staff efficiency and satisfaction

  • Reduce stress levels of staff through control of customer journey
  • Improve service quality with actionable information from a real-time dashboard and quick access to customer history
  • Automate admin tasks and workflow so your staff can focus on delivering excellent services
  • Get customer feedback with an online survey sent directly after the visit

Get key data and insights into your business

Harness the power of data and analytics with Qmatic Business Intelligence tools. Gain insights into your customer behaviors and branch performance.

  • Actual and estimated waiting times, average transaction times, and the number of customers waiting
  • Branch performance and staff benchmark, measured in service level indicators like KPIs and SLA
  • Customer feedback and NPS (Net Promotor Score)
  • Demand forecast, service trends and analysis, daily patterns on booking and arrival
Key Features

All the tools you need to create seamless customer journeys.

Customer Stories

Stadium logo

"We believe that this will increase the customer experience for customers visiting Stadium. As a customer, you feel noticed and safe waiting for your turn. Simply put, you experience less stress, and time passes by faster"

Björn Nilsson
Head of Customer Experience, Stadium


“Qmatic’s solutions provide a stress-free environment that helps staff to keep structure in their work and guides customers upon entering the store. Now, customers can have a look around, without feeling the pressure of standing in line, or not knowing if a sales representative has seen them or not.”

Retail Specialist, Telia


GTA logo-2

“After carefully vetting several queue management systems, we chose Qmatic as the hands-down choice to fulfill our needs. Not only did Qmatic help to rid us of the manual sign-in sheet, but now it allows us to collect customer service data more efficiently, run reports, manage staffing needs, schedule appointments, and collect NPS information."

Sharon Davies
VP of Customer Experience, GTA


Explore the latest from Qmatic

Request a demo

Don’t take our word for it. See for yourself how you can provide a seamless, omnichannel customer experience in your retail business

The demo includes how to:

  • Create an omnichannel customer journey and personalized customer experience
  • Optimize automation for more efficient services
  • Use data to create actual, measurable intelligence about what your customers want

Fill out the form to schedule a free demo customized for your organization’s needs